Advanced Occult Guide Kickstarter Roundup

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A Busy Week

Hello, Everybody Games fans!

It’s all in the title—we’ve had a CRAZY busy week previewing cool stuff from the Advanced Occult Guide for you in preparation for our Kickstarter. As a result, I thought it would be helpful to round up all the information we’ve shared this week in one convenient blog post here on the Everybody Games site, as well as toss you some all-new tidbits!

The Elementian Class

The elementian is a a hybrid combatant/spellcasting class with a powerful elemental strike that's heavily customizable based on your elemental aspect!

The Shapeshifter Class

The shapeshifter is a hybrid expert/spellcasting class with powerful supernatural abilities that allow them to assume alternate forms to enhance their skills and battle foes.

Avoidance Ward

Avoidance ward is a new occult ritual that will allow you to draw lines that certain creatures cannot step across, effectively warding an area from their presence within limitation.

Avoidance Ward Sample.jpg

About the Kickstarter

Here’s a round-up of all the information we’ve revealed about the Kickstarter so far! It includes an overview of our Kickstarter’s scope, a list of compiled products and new content in the book, and a list of the wonderful authors who are involved in the project.

In the Spirit of Discovery

Now that we’ve rounded up all the current information about the Kickstarter, let’s look at something new: spirits! Pact Magic is something people have asked us for us to add to Starfinder for a LONG time, and we started working on it back during the Starfarer’s Superbundle last year. (And yeah, we’re still working on it. Sorry that it’s taken forever Superbundle fans; a lot of playtesting and reiterating went into this system to make it as good as possible for y’all! We’re trying to release the 6 spirits we owe you before the Kickstarter.)

With all this in mind, here’s a snapshot at what occult spirits look like in the Advanced Occult Guide. Don’t worry, not all of this will make sense to you yet. (And no, you don’t get ALL of those powers. Only as many as you can handle….)


Coming Soon!

The Advanced Occult Guide Kickstarter launches early February 2020. Since we’ve still got some time before then, look for us continuing to talk about the KS in the days ahead. Next Monday we’ll be launching our pre-campaign page so you can be alerted as soon as the Kickstarter goes live. We’ll also take a look at some additional content from the book next week.

Until then, have a wonderfully wary weekend!

Alexander Augunas,

Everybody Games